From my experience in coding javascript, I came to realize that as cool as bleeding-edge javascript libraries and full CSS3 and XPath support are, they are fairly slow, particularly when it comes to DOM manipulation.
John Resig recently did a neat benchmark test on different techniques for implementing the getElementsByClassName method (in light of the recent news that Firefox 3 will have its own native implementation). While it gives a good overall idea of what algorithms should be avoided, it would certainly be nicer to just have a copy-and-paste solution that runs the fastest way possible in all major browsers.
Most libraries have pretty good implementations, but I have yet to see one that is truly optimized for speed. Here's my variation, written with the sole goal of being the fastest possible getElementsByClassName() script:
var getElementsByClassName=function(className,parentNode) { var results = []; //if (document.getElementsByClassName) document.getElementsByClassName(className,parentNode);//this is the code for FF3. Prototype 1.5 doesn't play nice with this code, though. if (document.evaluate) { var query = document.evaluate(".//*[contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' " + className + " ')]", parentNode || document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (var i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; i++) results.push(query.snapshotItem(i)); } else { var nodes = (parentNode || document).getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i = 0, j = 0, length = nodes.length; i < length; i++) { var nodes_i=nodes[i]; if ((" "+nodes_i+" ").indexOf(" "+className+" ") > -1) results[j++] = nodes_i; } } return results; };
For my test, I created a page with 200 sibling divs, out of which, half had class names. Each test queried the DOM 30 times, 1 second after page load, to minimize interference from network-related threads.
Benchmark results for library equivalents were fairly similar in Firefox (all of them scored somewhere near 190-200ms), but there were large performance differences in Internet Explorer 6. Prototype's implementation was 3 times slower than the script above.
Compared to CSS selector query engines like Prototype's $$() or JQuery, the script above performed between 10 to 20 times better, depending on the browser being tested. (In other words, $$(".my_class") is a big no-no).
The limitations of the script
- It only takes spaces as class separators. No tabs or line feeds. This is the main reason why the script is faster in browsers that don't support document.evaluate
- It assumes a browser, and doesn't check whether the "document" global exists. Rhino would always need to specify the root element anyways.
What makes it fast
- No expensive regular expressions
- document.evaluate delegates all the expensive DOM parsing to the underlying, compiled-code engine, where available.
- Using variables instead of object members cuts down a lot of overhead. A lot of people don't believe me when I say this stuff is important until they actually see the numbers. Just today I got the javascript execution time of an e-commerce site down from 970ms to 180ms simply by fixing a few for loops.
Last thoughts
I personally don't see why anyone would want to separate class names with a tab. Line feeds are even worse since they break the indentation flow and make HTML virtually impossible to read. Sure it's part of the specs, but I'd much rather use a fast and sensible subset.
This is AWESOME. It cut a query that took ~4.5 seconds with Prototype, down to 94ms. AMAZING!! Thank you so much! Would you recommend any books for writing optimal Javascript?? Please let me know (email my username @! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteWhoopsie; my email is actually sean.gilbertson (aaat)
ReplyDeleteVery nice! It much faster then prototype's implementation. BUT: it does not work for us in IE7..
ReplyDeleteIt passes my unit tests in IE7 fine. Be aware that there are limitations to the script: the most important one is that you must use spaces to separate class names. You may be inadvertedly generating tabs or linefeeds if you have "tag soup" being produced by the server-side code.
ReplyDeleteit doesn't work for me in ie7, and I did use spaces when needed.
ReplyDeleteThere is a typo in the script.
ReplyDeleteI believe (" "+nodes_i+" ") should be (" "+nodes_i.className+" "). That should fix it for IE.